AC7325 车规级ClassAB类音频功率放大器芯片 产品概况 规格框图 芯片脚位图
AC7325是专用于汽车的国产化Class AB类功率运算放大器芯片,具有I2C控制及自诊断功能;结合先进的高效模式,提高了热效率;可兼容同类产品脚位,并降低生产成本。
Symbol Pin Description
ADSEL 1 I2C-busaddressselect
STBY 2 Standby pin
PGND2 3 channel 2 power ground
OUT2 4 channel 2 negative output (left rear)
DIAG 5 diagnostic and clip detection output
OUT2+ 6 channel 2 positive output (left rear)
VCC1 7 power supply voltage1
OUT1 8 channel 1 negative output (left front)
PGND1 9 channel 1 power ground
OUT1+ 10 channel 1 positive output (left front)
SVR 11 half supply voltage filter capacitor
IN1 12 channel 1 input
IN2 13 channel 2 input
SGND 14 signal ground
IN4 15 channel 4 input
IN3 16 channel 3 input
ACGND 17 AC ground
OUT3+ 18 channel 3 positive output (right front)
PGND3 19 channel 3 power ground
OUT3 20 channel 3 negative output (right front)
VCC2 21 power supply voltage2
OUT4+ 22 channel 4 positive output (right rear)
SCL 23 I2C-bus clock input
OUT4 24 channel 4 negative output (right rear)
PGND4 25 channel 4 power ground
SDA 26 I2C-bus data input and output
TAB 27 heatsink connection;must be connected to ground
备案号:备案号:皖ICP备14001966号-1 皖公网安备:34019202000698 Copyright © 2019 合肥杰发科技有限公司. All Rights Reserved.